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1. Elegant comfort - How Olvi’s is encouraging women to show and celebrate their femininity with their outstanding collections
Дата: 06.04.2021. Входимость: 1. Сайт: FashionUnited.ru. Аннотация: +/-
Elegant comfort - How Olvi’s is encouraging women to show and celebrate their femininity with their outstanding collections

When we think of Olvi’s we think of sophisticated evening gowns, romantic lace combined with the finest fabrics, and outstanding bridal collections that make the most beautiful day in life even more beautiful. Olga Yermoloff, the founder and designer of Olvi’s, has a clear vision for the direction in which Olvi’s is heading: To become a Global Women’s Luxury brand for the refined woman. But the focus does not only lay on luxury occasional wear, as Olvi’s also features a luxury casual wear line InBloom by Olvi’s and a beautiful Loungewear collection which was launched in Winter 2020. The collections are setting a statement that every woman should feel desirable and confident regardless of her current life occasion. Olvi’s women in times of change and uncertainty In times of the current pandemic, not only women’s lifestyle but also their needs and desires of Olvi’s women has changed. A new normal has slipped in; life became slower but change became bigger, social contacts are limited but time with the one’s you are the closest with extended. We no longer want to go full-on with our outfits when the only major event of the day is the regular visit at the grocery store. But that does not by any means mean that we let ourselves down. It is now, more than ever, the time where we value luxury and especially quality but just in a way that suits our current lifestyle. When change is great, self-care and self-awareness becomes the biggest priority. The new desires and trend directions are there to help make good memories about moments close with your family, and more important with yourself that outweigh bad memories associated with the pandemic. And for exact this purpose, the Olvi’s loungewear collection and the casual InBloom collection were brought to life. InBloom and Loungewear by Olvi’s - everything but boring! The pandemic poses a challenge but rather new opportunities for Olvi’s to expand their product line. Olvi’s signature French stretch lace is embraced in various designs of the new collection. We are living in a fast-pace world, but the pandemic certainly has slowed down our lives, making us realize and appreciate the small details again. The idea behind the collections is making daily life not only more elegant but providing women with a confidence boost while not restricting in comfort. Let the collection speak to you The Loungewear collection contains beautiful gift sets that consists of a luxury lace mask and slippers lined with the finest silk in various colors, from mandarin red to Almond Swarovski. No matter if you prefer a variety of cozy cashmere sweaters, tops, or cardigans with romantic lace detailing, or if you are more the silk robe type of girl, Olvi’s will certainly match your taste. There is no restriction in design, as Olvi’s offers numerous pieces from long-sleeve buttoned silk and lace top, over a lace robe dress with romantic rose pattern, up to soft silk shorts that feel like a second skin. The InBloom collection features an exceptional design selection of flowy materials like chiffon or soft jersey that are embraced with modern and fresh colors. No matter if you feel like a long maxi-dress or rather blooming in one of our wonderful tops and pants, InBloom offers key pieces that match all of your moods. The size range goes from 34 up to 44 allowing the perfect fit for every body type with a maximum of comfort. All products are handmade by the best seamstresses and dressmakers around Europe. Craftsmanship is one of Olvi’s core values ensuring the highest quality in goods possible and creating a unique wearing experience. At the moment the collections are exclusively sold via the website olvis-lace.com and selected retailers. Comfortable wear came to stay! Comfy wear is the light at the end of the tunnel. You may ask yourself "Why?" but the answer is simple. Comfy wear came to stay. It is what the modern woman desires, and may it be due to the pandemic, but now that it is discovered, it came to stay. Loungewear, e.g., is timeless, and it is something that a woman will embrace on any occasion, or rather after any occasion. In present terms let it be home office, giving you that piece of self-care and self-indulgent in line with Olvi’s mission to celebrate femininity regardless of one’s life occasion. In the future it is this small spark of excitement during an evening event in your favorite Olvi’s dress, knowing that your comfy wear sets are waiting for you at home ready to give you that luxury comfort you deserve. A walk through the park will become your runway wearing your eye-catching flower print dress from our InBloom collection. The small moments in life are mostly the ones we should treasure forever. Keep Blooming comfortable! Read more about Olvi’s on the brandpage: fashionunited.com/companies/olvis

2. Elegant comfort - How Olvi’s is encouraging women to show and celebrate their femininity with their outstanding collections
Дата: 06.04.2021. Входимость: 1. Сайт: FashionUnited.ru. Аннотация: +/-
Elegant comfort - How Olvi’s is encouraging women to show and celebrate their femininity with their outstanding collections

When we think of Olvi’s we think of sophisticated evening gowns, romantic lace combined with the finest fabrics, and outstanding bridal collections that make the most beautiful day in life even more beautiful. Olga Yermoloff, the founder and designer of Olvi’s, has a clear vision for the direction in which Olvi’s is heading: To become a Global Women’s Luxury brand for the refined woman. But the focus does not only lay on luxury occasional wear, as Olvi’s also features a luxury casual wear line InBloom by Olvi’s and a beautiful Loungewear collection which was launched in Winter 2020. The collections are setting a statement that every woman should feel desirable and confident regardless of her current life occasion. Olvi’s women in times of change and uncertainty In times of the current pandemic, not only women’s lifestyle but also their needs and desires of Olvi’s women has changed. A new normal has slipped in; life became slower but change became bigger, social contacts are limited but time with the one’s you are the closest with extended. We no longer want to go full-on with our outfits when the only major event of the day is the regular visit at the grocery store. But that does not by any means mean that we let ourselves down. It is now, more than ever, the time where we value luxury and especially quality but just in a way that suits our current lifestyle. When change is great, self-care and self-awareness becomes the biggest priority. The new desires and trend directions are there to help make good memories about moments close with your family, and more important with yourself that outweigh bad memories associated with the pandemic. And for exact this purpose, the Olvi’s loungewear collection and the casual InBloom collection were brought to life. InBloom and Loungewear by Olvi’s - everything but boring! The pandemic poses a challenge but rather new opportunities for Olvi’s to expand their product line. Olvi’s signature French stretch lace is embraced in various designs of the new collection. We are living in a fast-pace world, but the pandemic certainly has slowed down our lives, making us realize and appreciate the small details again. The idea behind the collections is making daily life not only more elegant but providing women with a confidence boost while not restricting in comfort. Let the collection speak to you The Loungewear collection contains beautiful gift sets that consists of a luxury lace mask and slippers lined with the finest silk in various colors, from mandarin red to Almond Swarovski. No matter if you prefer a variety of cozy cashmere sweaters, tops, or cardigans with romantic lace detailing, or if you are more the silk robe type of girl, Olvi’s will certainly match your taste. There is no restriction in design, as Olvi’s offers numerous pieces from long-sleeve buttoned silk and lace top, over a lace robe dress with romantic rose pattern, up to soft silk shorts that feel like a second skin. The InBloom collection features an exceptional design selection of flowy materials like chiffon or soft jersey that are embraced with modern and fresh colors. No matter if you feel like a long maxi-dress or rather blooming in one of our wonderful tops and pants, InBloom offers key pieces that match all of your moods. The size range goes from 34 up to 44 allowing the perfect fit for every body type with a maximum of comfort. All products are handmade by the best seamstresses and dressmakers around Europe. Craftsmanship is one of Olvi’s core values ensuring the highest quality in goods possible and creating a unique wearing experience. At the moment the collections are exclusively sold via the website olvis-lace.com and selected retailers. Comfortable wear came to stay! Comfy wear is the light at the end of the tunnel. You may ask yourself "Why?" but the answer is simple. Comfy wear came to stay. It is what the modern woman desires, and may it be due to the pandemic, but now that it is discovered, it came to stay. Loungewear, e.g., is timeless, and it is something that a woman will embrace on any occasion, or rather after any occasion. In present terms let it be home office, giving you that piece of self-care and self-indulgent in line with Olvi’s mission to celebrate femininity regardless of one’s life occasion. In the future it is this small spark of excitement during an evening event in your favorite Olvi’s dress, knowing that your comfy wear sets are waiting for you at home ready to give you that luxury comfort you deserve. A walk through the park will become your runway wearing your eye-catching flower print dress from our InBloom collection. The small moments in life are mostly the ones we should treasure forever. Keep Blooming comfortable! Read more about Olvi’s on the brandpage: fashionunited.com/companies/olvis

3. How to minimize thief losses and increase shop’s profitability
Дата: 08.09.2008. Входимость: 1. Сайт: Modnoe.ru. Аннотация: +/-
How to minimize thief losses and increase shop’s profitability

Underwear joins the category of most stolen goods. According to market experts, theft losses average level estimated at a rate of 2-5% of shop’s turnover. In exact amounts, while the general value of underwear market is $3.5 billion, every year shop and boutiques owners lose about $120 millions because of thefts!

4. 34-ый конкурс молодых дизайнеров одежды "Экзерсис". Часть 1
Дата: 25.09.2013. Входимость: 1. Сайт: Intermoda.ru. Аннотация: +/-
34-ый конкурс молодых дизайнеров одежды "Экзерсис". Часть 1

В рамках 41-ой Федеральной ярмарки товаров и оборудования текстильной и легкой промышленности “Текстильлегпром” 24 сентября 2013 года, Москва, ВВЦ, павильон 69 Миссия проекта “Экзерсис”: выявление, развитие и представление кадрового потенциала для индустрии моды. Единственный российский молодежный проект, который проходит в формате недель моды с представлением сезонных коллекций. Условия участия в Конкурсе: представляются коллекции моделей одежды класса prêt-a-porter и prêt-a-porter de luxe сезона “весна-лето 2014”. Коллекции представляются впервые(?) одним или двумя авторами из 5-7 единиц. Номинации Конкурса: “молодежная одежда”, “мужская одежда”, “деловая одежда”, “маленькое платье”, “одежда из денима”. В конкурсе принимают участие: 51 дизайнер, 46 коллекций из городов России: Воронежа, Волжский, Ельца, Иваново, Костромы, Курска, Краснодара, Москвы, Мурманска, Нижнего Новгорода, Перми, Петрозаводска, Пятигорска, Пензы, Подольска, Ростова-на-Дону, Смоленска, Северодвинска, Тольятти, Челябинска, Черноголовки, Шахт а также Испании (Мадрида), Белоруссии (Минска), Кыргызстана (Бишкека), Казахстана (Астаны). Гран-при Конкурса: денежные гонорары от ОАО “Рослегпром”, ООО “РЛП-Ярмарка”, компания F5, компании “ЮНСЕН Текстиль”, Торговой сети “Вещь!” и Проекта “Экзерсис”. Главный приз в каждой номинации Конкурса – “Золотая модель”, автор статуэтки – дизайнер Людмила Карнаухова. Это был официальный релиз конкурса Экзерсис. Портал Интермода.ру предлагает вашему вниманию посмотреть работы конкурсантов. 1. Месяц Кира. Москва. НИУ(МЭИ)Гуманитарно-прикладной институт. Heart of white. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 2. Степанова Александра. Москва. Московский Художественно-Промышленный Институт. Oxford-street. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 3. Шелдунов Андрей. Курск. ГОУ ВПО Курский государственный университет. Воины леса. Номинация “мужская одежда”. Победитель конкурса. 4. Крайняк Екатерина. Москва. ГБОУ СПО Технологический колледж № 14. Из России с любовью. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 5. Бычкова Адриана, Лиман Елена. Челябинск. Русско-Британский институт управления. Look at the ocean. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 6. Абдырасулова Айсанат. Бишкек. ГОУ ВПО Кыргызско-Российский Словянский Университет. Сны о Шотландии. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 7. Осипова Мария, Кондрат Мария. Мурманск. ГАОУ МО СПО Мурманский технологический колледж. QuiltEssence. Номинация “мужская одежда” 8. Шапошникова Юлия. Иваново. Ивановский текстильный институт ФГБОУ ВПО Ивановский государственный политехнический университет. Экспрессия мегаполиса. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 9 - 10. Альдебенева Анастасия. Москва. Московский Художественно-Промышленный Институт. The exact freshness. Номинация “мужская одежда” 12. Мухачева Анна. Краснодар. ФГБОУ ВПО Кубанский Государственный Университет. Переменная облачность. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 14. Пыркова Ольга. Воронеж. МБОУ ДОД ЦДОД «Созвездие» структурное подразделение декоративно-прикладного творчества Студия моды «Стиль». Космо. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 13. Кононова Татьяна. Северодвинск. НОУ ВПО Институт моды, дизайна и технологий. Дом с привидениями. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 15. Бабаджанян Маргарит. Москва. ГОУ ВПО Московский областной государственный университет. Tango de soie. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 17. Смолоногина Элина. Петрозаводск. МОУ ДОД Дворец творчества детей и юношества г. Петрозаводска. Инкогнито. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 16. Рахова Надежда. Смоленск. ФГБОУ ВПО Смоленский государственный университет. Midas. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 18. Коляда Любовь. Краснодар. ФГБОУ ВПО Кубанский Государственный Университет. Мода без правил. Номинация “мужская одежда” 19. Самко Мадина. Елец. ЕГУ им. И. А. Бунина. Flow. Номинация “молодежная одежда” 20. Филиппова Виталина. Иваново. Ивановский текстильный институт ФГБОУ ВПО Ивановский государственный политехнический университет. Марсово поле. Номинация “молодежная одежда”

5. 34 конкурс “Экзерсис” показал, что каждый следующий конкурс – лучший
Дата: 05.10.2013. Входимость: 1. Сайт: Modnaya.ru. Аннотация: +/-
34 конкурс “Экзерсис” показал, что каждый следующий конкурс – лучший

24 сентября в Москве прошел 34 Международный конкурс молодых дизайнеров одежды “Экзерсис” – в первый день работы 41-ой Федеральной ярмарки “Текстильлегпром” на ВВЦ. “Экзерсис” – единственный российский молодежный конкурс, который проходит в формате мировых недель моды – дважды в год с представлением перспективных сезонных коллекций. Основанный в 1995 году при поддержке мэтра российской моды Вячеслава Михайловича Зайцева, проект “Экзерсис” отметил совершеннолетие. За эти годы выросло целое поколение дизайнеров, многие из которых сегодня работают в успешных компаниях и Домах моды, создают собственные торговые марки и являются постоянными участниками недель моды. Особенностью последних проектов “Экзерсис” является участие в нем молодых дизайнеров, создавших собственные марки. Конкурс обеспечивает им стартовую площадку для расширения информационного поля, повышения узнаваемости и приобретения новых партнеров по бизнесу. Жюри 34 конкурса возглавил Сергей Сысоев – член Ассоциации высокой моды и прет-а-порте России, дизайнер ТМ “Sergey Sysoev”. В состав жюри вошли: Ирина Ашкинадзе - президент компании "Дефиле на Неве", генеральный продюсер недели моды в Санкт-Петербурге DnN St. Petersburg Fashion Week, Наталья Ивенская – директор Департамента логистики Торговой сети магазинов “Вещь!”/Today, Людмила Мезенцева – дизайнер ТМ “Веретено”, Юлия Мятковская – главный дизайнер компании F5. В Совет партнеров Конкурса вошли: Надежда Азарова – главный редактор Интернет-портала “Осинка”, Андрей Ещенко – коммерческий директор НПО “Грация”, Татьяна Ковалева - заместитель главного редактора журнала “Ателье” ИД “Эдипресс-Конлига”, Елена Махтей – заместитель генерального директора компании Karo, Мария Ушакова – руководитель проекта "Повседневная одежда" компан...